Tutto ciò che abbiamo sviluppato negli ultimi cento anni dovrebbe essere distrutto.
Pentti Linkola
Novità, dispacci e bollettini informativi a cadenza non periodica, direttamente dalla sede del Congresso.
COME LUPI TRA LE PECORE (Nuova edizione)
A dieci anni dalla pubblicazione originale, questa nuova edizione ampliata riprende le fila del discorso là dove era stato interrotto,
ricostruendo gli eventi che hanno traghettato l’NSBM attraverso una movimentata stagione costellata di festival carbonari,
fatti di cronaca e crescente popolarità, mentre sul fronte dell’Est si addensavano le ombre lunghe di un conflitto destinato a cambiare per sempre il corso della Storia.
Disponibile nel nostro store.
Congress staff
Boslide: nuovo album, ultimo album
Album tombale, canto del cigno, addio alle armi, finito, defunto, kaputt. Lo scritto testamentario di Svart Jugend che accompagna questa fabbrica di morte formato vinile certifica la chiusura dei giochi. E dei tempi ultimi. Del fare di Sartre la nostra puttana è un esagitato zibaldone del Caos che traccia la storia dei Boslide, la rinnega, la rimastica e la risputa, tutto ad uso e consumo di ogni devoto seguace di Pazuzu con la croce celtica al collo.
Congress staff
OCCIDENTAL CONGRESS n°4 - Out on December 21st
«Si Fractus Illabatur Orbis Impavidum Ferient Ruinae»
A quasi dieci anni dall’ultimo albo del Congresso Occidentale, il Solstizio d’Inverno del 2023 marca l’uscita del nuovo numero della rivista di «tensioni e attitudini» devota alla Cultura dell’Apocalisse in tutte le sue declinazioni.
Tra le 88 pagine di questo libello antagonista troverete un concentrato di (anti)musica, editoria proibita, memorie dell’insolito e nostalgia neofolk.
Il mondo è in fiamme, ma l’importante è aver scelto la parte giusta della barricata.
Congress staff
La distruzione del mondo? Hitler prepara...
Apparso per la prima volta in Italia nel 1948 per la fantomatica Edizioni Rores, introvabile da decenni (se non a cifre esorbitanti nel circuito dei collezionisti più incalliti), “La distruzione del mondo…” rimane tutt’ora uno scritto a dir poco anomalo quanto affascinante. Un trattato apocalittico, in bilico tra inchiesta e fantapolitica, narrato con toni profetici dal misterioso giornalista Darius Caasy.
Questa nuova edizione, pensata per i più esigenti cercatori del fantastico e appassionati di archeologia editoriale, presenta il testo integrale accuratamente restaurato e annotato.
Il volume è stampato in tiratura limitata a 199 esemplari numerati, su carta avoriata e con inserti a tema di complemento.
Congress staff
Winter is coming...
Enjoy the decline of the western civilization while sipping your favourite beverage from the Occidental Congress mug.
Available (to italian customers only) in the store section.
Congress staff
HATECORE CONNECTION - Passaggio al Bosco
L'anima nera dell'hardcore
“NSHC”, “Hatecore”, “Nazi Punk”, “Squadrismo Hardcore”: dietro a queste parole c’è un intero mondo fatto di musica e politica, declinato in tutto e per tutto verso l’estremo.
Quando e come nasce il fenomeno? Quali sono le sue coordinate – stilistiche e ideologiche – e quali le sue ramificazioni? Quali gli elementi di forza e, d’altra parte, le sue immancabili contraddizioni?
Hatecore Connection esplora e riporta alla luce una realtà che nasce negli Stati Uniti dell’era reaganiana per poi diffondersi pressoché in ogni parte del globo, fino ai giorni nostri.
Attraverso le parole dei protagonisti di questa scena si tracciano i profili di band, organizzazioni, etichette, mettendo ordine in un calderone di attitudini e tendenze che si snodano lungo un impalpabile filo rosso che lega il Nuovo al Vecchio Continente: Nord America, Germania, Italia, Francia, Scandinavia, Russia...
Una carrellata di storie che raccontano la militanza in musica di giovani accomunati da un’animosità politica tra il dissidente e l’irregolare, figli di una modernità troppo spesso inconciliabile con la loro intransigente visione del mondo.
PASSAGGIO AL BOSCO: Publisher page - FB page
Congress staff
CHANGES - Live in Germany
50 Years Anniversary (1969 - 2019)
On October 3rd the small town of Mühltal hosted the European return of folk heroes Robert N. Taylor and Nicholas Tesluk, better known as Changes, supported by Awen, By the Spirits and La Merde. 2019 also marks 50 years of activity for the neofolk forefathers, so Occidental Congress could not miss the opportunity to attend such an important show.
Take a look at the gallery of the event and feast with us to the glory of Changes.
Congress staff
WOTAN'S AWAKENING - Dominion Press
We at Occidental Congress are honored to have contributed to the creation of such a remarkable book. Now, after years in the making, the definitive Guido Von List biography is finally out.
Wotan’s Awakening: The Life and Times of Guido von List, 1848–1919
by Eckehard Lenthe
Translated by Annabel Lee
Edited by Michael Moynihan
Designed by Davide Maspero
488 pages, 6” x 9”, high-quality interior stock, sewn signatures, bound in burgundy cloth with foil stamping and inlaid portrait.
This is the ultimate biography of the Austrian occultist and rune-mystic Guido von List (1848–1919), a key figure in the esoteric Germanic revival who was occupied with questions of language, the occult, mythology, history, and national identity. This was a tumultuous time in central Europe, spanning from the era of industrial and democratic revolutions to the catastrophe of the first World War and the complete dissolution of the Austrian Empire. Read more about the book...
The book is now available in a deluxe limited edition of 400 copies. Each book also includes a few special enclosures.
DOMINION PRESS: FB page - Big Cartel page
Congress staff
This time Russia...
The gentlemen at Metal Star are responsible for the stunningly beautiful russian edition of Wolves Among Sheep.
It’s a luxurious hardcover limited to 488 copies (88 of them housed in a black carton slipcase).
For any additional info please head to their pages.
METAL STAR: Publisher page - FB page - VK page
DISTRIBUTORS: Metal Star distributors
Congress staff
Street wear for your daily urban riots
«...along the way I was approached by a naked Sadhu, who stopped me. He was a young man with sad eyes, and he held on to me by the arm. 'Why there is no justice in the world?' he asked. I looked at him closely and then realized that he was weeping. His question apparently referred to those who had died earlier in the day. I didn't know what to reply, and so all I said was, 'How can you expect to find justice in Kali Yuga?' He remained on the edge of the shore, watching my boat leave, and in the silence his tears kept rolling down his cheeks. Finally he left and lost himself in the crowd.»
Printed in Europe - with the original OC logo on the front and a large print on the back, inspired by the writings of Chilean diplomat, journalist, explorer and esoterist, Don Miguel Serrano.
- * 100% high quality cotton
- * 2 colors print
- * Regular: S / M / L / XL
- * Girlie: S / M
- * PRICE: 18,00 euro (+ shipping)
To order now (or regret later!), please get in touch.
Congress staff
OC Newsletter
We are setting up a new mailing list. If you want to be informed about our activities please go the the contact page and sign up to our newsletter. According to the new EU regulation, we need your "informed and unambiguous consent" so please be sure to read our disclaimer before signing up.
Congress staff
BLOOD AXIS live in Denmark
October 2016: Blood Axis toured Europe with a series of shows that took the band to the four corners of the continent... from Madrid to Moscow, from Leipzig to Copenhagen.
An opportunity that the Occidental Congress staff could not miss, so we flew to Denmark where the band was supported by Vril Jäger,
the new project of Thomas Bøjden (Die Weisse Rose) and Kim Larsen (Of the Wand and the Moon).
Here's a selection of pictures trying to recapture the feeling of an amazing night.
Congress staff
WOLVES AMONG SHEEP - Tsunami Edizioni
As the wolves gather...
Towards the end of the nineties, black metal – by then one of the most feared musical genres ever, that had
already made a name for itself thanks to a bloody streak of homicides and various acts of arson and violence –
merged its sonic belligerence with National Socialist beliefs and the ideology of white power groups, breeding
a new counterculture that’s incendiary and ferocious like no other. A formula of intransigent extremism like
never before in contemporary music, a world where this mixture of aural excess and loyalty to the “mythos of
the blood” gave birth to hundreds of new bands and gathered thousands of disciples from all over the globe:
Russia, United States, Germany, France, Poland, Australia, Italy, Scandinavia and even South America.
From the defining fathers of the genre (Absurd, Graveland, Der Stürmer, Spear of Longinus) to its more
unknown and dangerous representatives, WOLVES AMONG SHEEP delves deep into this black abyss to
bring forth the history and development of NSBM – National Socialist Black Metal, an underground
phenomenon that transcended music to become a doctrine in its own right, a nefarious call to arms for those
dissident youths who declared war to society as we know it.
TSUNAMI EDIZIONI: Visit the book page
Congress staff
Pour nos amis français...
À la fin des années 90, le black metal – qui avait déjà fait parler de lui suite à une sanglante série de violences, d’attentats et d’homicides – se fonde avec le credo
nazi et la propagande de groupes affiliés au suprématisme blanc. Le résultat est un mélange identitaire sans précédent par sa violence sonore et son idéologie féroce,
une formule d’extrêmes intransigeants ayant donné vie à des centaines de groupes et attiré des milliers de partisans dispersés dans le monde entier : de la Russie aux
États-Unis, de la Grèce à la Pologne, mais aussi en Australie, en Amérique du Sud, en Scandinavie, et en Italie. Véritable descente aux enfers, ce livre illustre les
origines et le développement du désormais célèbre NSBM (National Socialist Black Metal), un phénomène qui a transcendé la musique jusqu’à devenir une véritable doctrine,
un appel aux armes diabolique pour des jeunes dissidents ayant déclaré la guerre à la société. Le résultat est un pan entier d’underground noir montré dans son essence
la plus primaire à travers les mots et les images de ses nombreux protagonistes.
CAMION NOIR: Visit the book page
Congress staff
OCCIDENTAL CONGRESS n°3 - Out on April 14th
Born to walk against the wind
born to hear my name
no matter where I stand I'm alone.
Congress staff
1998-2013: XV anno di [R]esistenza
Il 2013 si conclude celebrando i nostri primi quindici anni di vita.
Ai nostri amici, grazie. Perché il vostro affetto ci onora e ci lusinga.
Ai nostri nemici, grazie. Perché il vostro odio ci rallegra e ci fortifica.
Congress staff
CHANGES - Ride the Tiger World Tour
Riding the Tiger...August 2013 saw the mighty Changes led by Robert N. Taylor and Nicholas Tesluk touring across European soil. Occidental Congress attended two shows trying to recapture the astonishing performances of these folk heroes. So take a look at the gallery section, which also underwent a massive update casting a glance back to some good ol' stuff that happened back in the day.
Congress staff
COME LUPI TRA LE PECORE - Tsunami Edizioni
Storia e ideologia del black metal nazionalsocialista
Sul finire degli anni Novanta, il black metal – che già tanto aveva fatto parlare di sé a seguito di una sanguinosa scia di violenze, attentati ed omicidi –
si fonde con il credo nazista dei gruppi aderenti al “potere bianco”. Il risultato finale è una miscela incendiaria senza precedenti, per violenza sonora e
ferocia ideologica. Una formula di intransigenti estremismi come non se n’erano mai visti prima nella musica contemporanea. Un mondo dove eccessi sonori e
fedeltà al cosiddetto “mito del sangue” hanno dato vita a centinaia di gruppi e attratto migliaia di seguaci sparsi in ogni parte del pianeta: dalla Russia
agli Stati Uniti, dalla Grecia alla Polonia, ma anche Australia, Sud America, Scandinavia, Italia.
Frutto di un’inchiesta approfondita che non si ferma alle band più rappresentative del genere (nomi come Graveland, Absurd, Der Stürmer, Spear of Longinus)
ma va ad indagare direttamente sui più diversi aspetti della scena, Come Lupi tra le Pecore illustra le origini e lo sviluppo del famigerato NSBM (National
Socialist Black Metal), un fenomeno che ha trasceso la musica per divenire vera e propria dottrina, una malefica chiamata alle armi per giovani dissidenti
che hanno dichiarato guerra alla società.
Al pari di una discesa nell’abisso, Come Lupi tra le Pecore accende i riflettori sulle evoluzioni e sulle derive della specie NSBM, prendendo in esame anche
realtà contigue come l’hatecore razzista o le derive noise più nefande, così come gli strenui oppositori di questa scena, raccoltisi sotto l’acronimo di RABM
(Red & Anarchist Black Metal). Il risultato è uno spaccato di underground al nero mostrato nella sua essenza primaria attraverso le parole e le immagini dei
suoi numerosi protagonisti. Un’indagine a 360 gradi che, come il celebre Lords of Chaos, affronta un argomento radicalmente controverso come mai prima d’ora.
TSUNAMI EDIZIONI: Visit the book page
Congress staff
DAY OF BLOOD - Camion Noir
Pour nos amis français...
Parmi les groupes influents de la scène post-industrielle, Blood Axis occupe une place à part. Placé sous l’égide de Michael Moynihan, né des cendres de Coup de Grâce,
premier projet qu’il fonda, encore adolescent, sous influence des fréquences extrêmes de la première vague industrielle, cette formation navigue dans les eaux de la
contre-culture extrême depuis plus de vingt ans. Auteur du célèbre livre consacré à la scène black metal scandinave Les seigneurs du chaos – succès critique et commercial
sans équivalent dans sa catégorie – et analyste inlassable des formes philosophico-religieuses les plus hors-normes de cette scène en marge – satanisme LaVeyen, paganisme
nordique, terrorisme culturel et déviances en tout genre… – Moynihan, secondé par sa femme Annabel Lee et Robert Ferbrache, continue de faire évoluer son projet sans se
soucier des critiques, restant fidèle à son credo d’indépendance radicale.
CAMION NOIR: Visit the book page
Congress staff
Ultimacy (1991–2011) brings together on one CD the definitive versions of all the singles and compilation tracks released by Blood Axis
during the first two decades since the project was founded. Packaged in an elegant digifile case designed by Davide Maspero and Max Ribaric
of the Italian underground journal Occidental Congress, and expertly re-mastered by Blood Axis member and renowned studio engineer Robert
Ferbrache, Ultimacy presents these rare tracks in their ideal form, exactly as the band itself has always heard and envisioned them.
The songs appear in a reverse chronological order, beginning with more recent work and moving back through time to the distant past.
Blood Axis has never been bound to a particular style of music, and this is amply demonstrated here with material that spans from aggressive
folk rock to atmospheric ritual pieces, all the way to menacing electronica. The topical themes of these songs encompass European folklore;
early 20th-century German occultism; Norse and Perso-Roman mythology; fatalism, militarism, and Nietzschean romanticism.
In addition to the three core Blood Axis members—Michael Moynihan, Robert Ferbrache, and Annabel Lee—the songs on Ultimacy also
feature a number of notable guest contributors including Stephen Flowers (Edred Thorsson), Boyd Rice (Non), Thomas Thorn
(Slave State / My Life with the Thrill Kill Kill Kult / Electric Hellfire Club), and Markus Wolff (Waldteufel).
Blood Axis has always elicited strong, polarized reactions and a fair dose of controversy that still lingers to the present day.
Ultimacy provides a unique opportunity for both the initiated and the uninitiated to explore the history of an influential an
uncompromising musical project that refuses to be categorized or contained, and which always operates according to its own rules.
Congress staff
OCCIDENTAL CONGRESS n°2 - Out on July 18th
Un'altra sporca e nera estate italiana.
Ma questa volta in compagnia del nuovo Congresso Occidentale.
Congress staff
KNOTWORK live in Roma
«An intimate evening of acoustic music with Michael Moynihan, Annabel Lee, and Don Schabner...»
An intimate evening of acoustic music with Michael Moynihan, Annabel Lee, and Don Schabner.
Expect traditional tunes from the edges of Europe — Ireland, Galicia, and beyond — along with songs of love, death, magic, and fisticuffs.
Michael Moynihan is an artist, musician, and author. With its elegant sounds and evocative texts, his band Blood Axis has drawn from both ancient as well as modern music and literature. Together with this, he has pursued an interest in the traditional music of the British Isles and other regions of Europe for many years. His distinctive contributions can be heard on the recordings of Fire & Ice, In Gowan Ring, Slim Cessna's Auto Club, and many others.
Annabel Lee has played the fiddle since she was seven. She grew up in a musical home and learned to appreciate a wide variety of music from a young age. Since the mid-1990s she has prominently contributed to numerous avant-garde musical projects such as Blood Axis, Alraune, Waldteufel, and Amber Asylum, often incorporating her longstanding passion for the bittersweet sounds of traditional Irish music.
Don Schabner is a gifted guitarist whose distinguished playing can be heard with some of the best bands in northern New England. His broad repertoire is firmly rooted in the quintessentially American musical styles of jazz, old time, and country, along with a particular penchant for the entrancing sounds of traditional Irish music.
Giovedì 21 aprile 2011 - ore 22.00
Closer Club, via Vacuna n. 98, Roma
Ingresso 10 euro (con tessera)
Congress staff
New website
Ritorniamo on-line nelle vesti del nostro nuovo spazio virtuale.
Troverete un'interfaccia più diretta, uno store rinnovato con qualche novità (le t-shirt brune del Congresso)
e saltuari aggiornamenti legati alle nostre prossime iniziative.
Attualmente stiamo lavorando al nuovo albo cartaceo di Occidental Congress, non vi è ancora una data
ufficiale di uscita, ma contiamo di pubblicarlo nei primi mesi del prossimo anno.
Congress staff